If you get sick for eating certain food should you avoid them? - spicy food and heart palpatations
Indegestion I drink coffee dose must say that I am beferage intolerant? I used to eat hot, but I have heart burn, eat when I am now.
If you get sick for eating certain food should you avoid them? - spicy food and heart palpatations
Indegestion I drink coffee dose must say that I am beferage intolerant? I used to eat hot, but I have heart burn, eat when I am now.
u seemed to good to know what it is and why it bothers you .. soo have 2 options here .. 1. eat and drink what you want and take the consequences, or 2 eat and drink what you like or dislike .. and the consequences
I am one of the lucky ones, I can eat and drink what you want, without harmful side effects
I'm the same way with peanuts and peanut butter, which I love. It also gives me heartburn several other foods, especially at night. Some days I can tolerate, other days it annoys me to the point of vomiting. So I try to avoid them if possible. I will try to foods that will not eat so bad earlier in the day, because if I am close to bedtime disturbs me. But I leave the peanut butter alone ... except sometimes I'll eat sweets with him, because I like it! The last time I was fine!
Avoid things that bother you, Bubba.
Avoid things that bother you, Bubba.
It is possible that acid reflux HAV on the use of nonprescription antacids, or ask your doctor for a prescription. If you have that, you should avoid spicy foods, fats and foods with seeds. Good luck!
Ahhh, the blessings of aging. Yes, if a particular food, then avoid!
Never leave food to get, the better for you. If you do things that you eat does make it wrong, so that you build an immunity to toxins in food. Eat more things that make you sick, the healthier for you.
For me it is good that you are the problem and not the food. Sounds like acid reflux or a hiatal hernia. Do not eat spicy foods or coffee for a while. Let your stomach time to heal. You can then return to their lifestyle.
You bet
The acid in coffee is usually what causes heartburn, no allergic reaction. As we age, our systems are not working as well as in the past. If it annoys me, I do not eat. There are many possibilities with other foods, not to be unhappy. Please disappear or almost everything that bothers you, talk to a doctor, there are things you can do. You do not have to suffer with him.
This probably means that you have GERD - gastro-esophageal reflux disease. If you drink lots of caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea and cola drinks), smoking, eating large meals and then go to bed, use a large amount of Motrin / Advil / Aleve May by the you have this problem. You must change your lifestyle, but medication can help stop things once the symptoms appear again if you change your lifestyle.
I am allergic to soy ... I do not eat. makes me sick. So I think his head.
Do you have indigestion or sleep the whole day?
If they do not eat and drink before bedtime, try to help a little milk at Nite. in serious cases of indigestion.go the doctor and he will guide you the medicine so that you eat and drink what you want.
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